We are launched! Learn more here.
Patrice is founder and director of TERP Corp, a company dedicated to developing innovative, synchronized systems to deliver physically compelling face-to-face interactions. Her first invention was a prototype TERP system that can be utilized in a variety of settings to promote education, group collaboration, entertainment, or other business specific coordinated activities. Her next project is a crowd-funded TERP app that can used in a wide variety of settings. Check out our 60-second clip below.
"Physical communication is an immediate language that speaks to our emotions, not just dancers, but all of us."
-Patrice M. Regnier
The TERP system is a wireless, multichannel digital broadcast system of custom-built hardware and software for composing, directing and driving human movement. Learn more here.
Movement Snacks: Where do they come from? - https://t.co/EiNa5Vhb9d https://t.co/n6y7Co6ADt
Be the one to name your favorite movement snack! - https://t.co/lTs5BbvQRK https://t.co/xHEWY0tByN
New movement snacks: a TERP-like experience for staying at home - https://t.co/FHnRLVyI0R https://t.co/SyxFIQ1uka
Today is our demo day! - https://t.co/9RUcUsafNY https://t.co/VO3zTDvplJ
One week until our demo on Jun 27th - https://t.co/yrIfO81gjx https://t.co/mNncBc9DMk
New vlog with director Patrice explaining Exp 8: Rituals - https://t.co/VnPiJ6t5ps https://t.co/4Nu5uS4QdZ
Enjoy some summer fun with a TERP Event on June 27th, 7-8pm! - https://t.co/XNegrOqI2V https://t.co/q1nV7E3Vth
Brand new commands for our demo next Thursday! - https://t.co/IihfpUIg1j https://t.co/JgvbTHeuFs
Come out April 18th for a brand-new TERP demo - https://t.co/1EOrBPqbS2 https://t.co/Y2ndeUQldP
Today's the day for our TERP demo! - https://t.co/IFaI4DBzGG https://t.co/wPY5dTqYEc